 9810 Ivory bone china with scalloped border. |
|  AFTER DARK White china with gold, black and platinum. |
|  ALBERTA White china with a yellow rose and a stripy lecked border. Gold trim. |
 ALHAMBRA White china with gold, yellow and brown stylized pattern. |
|  ALICIA White china with grey swirls and silver trim. |
|  ALLISON White china with autumn tone leaves and white flowers. Gold trim. |
 ALMONT White china with silver and grey leaves. Grey and silver lines. |
|  ALOUETTE White china with blue flowers on grey leaves. Silver trim. |
|  ALSATIA White bone china with blue border bearing yellow flowers on pieces. Silver trim. |
 AMANDA Ivory china with pink roses, green brown and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
| ANDOVER White china with green band as border with raised stylized leaves. Silver trim. No. 5654 |
 ANITA White china with green leaves, pink rose and rose bud. Gold trim. |
|  ANNE White china with dainty white raised flowers on foliage. No. RC 436 |
 ARDEN White china with pink, green and black leaves in a swirled effect. Gold trim. |
| ARDIS White china with a whisps of greys on foliage. Siver trim. |
|  ARLENE White china with band of small pink and yellow flowers and leaves. Silver trim. |
 ARUNTA White china with light brown and grey oval shaped pattern around border. Progression Ware. |
|  ASHLEIGH White china with a golden stylized band. Gold trim. |
| ASTOR 6321 Blue/grey stylised border silver trim |
 AUTUMN GLORY White china with brown/grey leaves. Grey inner and gold outer ring. |
|  BABETTE White china with blue, grey and yellow flowers on green foliage. Gold trim. |
|  BALBOA White china with a wide pale blue border bearing white and grey raised leaves. Silver trim. |
 BARENTZ White china with a yellow and gold leaf border. Gold trim. |
|  BARONESS Off white china with white embossed flowers. Silver trim. |
|  BAROSSA White progression ware china with a border of blue, purple and green leaves. |
 BARTON White china with mauve floral border. Gold trim. |
|  BASILICA White china with a wide grey and black stylized border. Silver trim. |
| BELLA White china with stylized border of grapes and vines, brown tones. Gold trim. |
 BENITA White china with autumn coloured leaves. Gold trim. |
|  BIARRITZ White china with narrow grey feather-like shapes around border. Silver trim. |
|  BIMINI White china with colourful band. Younger Image. |
 BLAIR ROSE White china with a grey and gold rose on grey and gold foliage. Gold trim. |
|  BLAKLEY White china with black, white and gold fancy border. Gold trim. |
 BLUE BELL White china with blue and silver on rim and with flower in well. |
|  BLUE GARLAND White china with pink roses and a blue band. Gold trim. |
|  BLUE HILL White china with a blue-mauve floral border. Silver trim. Pattern No. 2482 |
 BLUE RIBBON White china with a blue and turquoise shield on the border. Gold trim. |
|  BORDEAUX White china with maroon and pink stylized border. |
|  BOULOGNE White china with multicoloured stylized border. |
|  BRISTOL White china with white blossoms, pink flowers, foliage and a green stylised border. Silver trim. |
|  BRUNSWICK White china with green foliage and golden rose. Gold trim. |
|  CALEDONIA Cream china, gold rings, raised white embossed pattern edged both sides with gold. |
|  CALISTA White china with yellow flowers. Gold trim. |
 CAMEROON SAND White china with a beige and gold stylized border. Gold trim. |
|  CAMPOBELLO Brown china with a green design. Primastone. |
| Candice black/grey spray of leaves silver trim |
 CAPRICE White china with embossed rose. Gold trim. |
|  CARMEN White china with pink roses and green leaves. Silver trim. |
|  CAROL White china with two red roses and one yellow rose. Silver trim. |
 CAROLYN White china with a fine blue floral and leaf pattern. Silver trim. |
|  CENTURY White and mid brown china showing a band containing a daisy pattern with tear-drop shapes in swirls. |
|  CHADWICK White china with camel, brown and white stylized border. Silver trim. |
 CHALICE White china with brown and black stylized border. Silver trim. |
|  CHAMPS ELYSEES White china with a stylized red and gold border. Gold trim. |
 CHANTELL Ivory china with white flowers and stars on border. Gold trim. |
|  CHANTILLY White china with a border of delicate pink flowers on green leaves. Gold trim. |
|  CHARMAINE White china with pink roses and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
 CHATEAU Cream & gold 718 Imperial Baroque |
|  CHATHAM White china with pink flowers on green foliage and brown twigs. Silver trim. |
|  CHATSWOOD White china with light blue stylized border with gold lines. |
 CHAUMONT White china with a large and small grey rose crossed over. Silver trim |
|  CHERI White china with a diamond cut indented border with small delicate roses. Silver trim. |
|  CHESTER White china with a brown stylized border of urns and stripes. Progression Ware. |
 CLARA White china with orange and yellow flowers. Gold trim. |
|  CLARENTON White china with a champagne coloured border embossed with white leaves. Silver trim. |
|  CLASSICA White china with platinum line on outer rim and above well. |
 CONCETTA White china with a stylized band of small leaves and grapes. Silver trim. |
|  CONCORD White china with blue and grey leaves, a grey line and silver trim. |
|  CONTEMPORARY 1952 White china with narrow, grey, feather like shapes vertically around the border. Pattern no. 1952 |
 CONTEMPORAY 4002/4003 White china with grooves on upper part of cups with raised wing shapes. Silver trim. |
|  CORONAL White china with faint blue embossed flowers on white leaves. Silver trim. |
|  CRESTMONT White china with a grey leafy design. Silver trim. |
 CRESTON White china with green leafy stylized border. Gold trim |
|  CROYDON White china with green/fawny border with pink, purple, orange and yellow flowers. Gold trim. |
|  CULEBRA White china with bright orange, white and yellow flowers. Younger Image. |
 CULETON White china with blue flowers and green foliage. Silver trim. |
|  DAKOTA White china with a grey/fawn stylized pattern. Silver trim. |
|  DAMASK White china with grey border decorated with raised white leaves and small flowers. Silver trim. |
 DAPHNE White china with green leaves, almost "ivy" looking. Gold trim. |
|  DAY DREAM White china with blue flowers. Green trim. Progression Ware. |
|  DEAUVILLE White china with grapes and leaves on it. Silver trim. |
 DEBRA White china with pink flowers, green and black swirly lines and leaves. Silver trim. |
|  DEBUT Ivory china with delicate yellow/orange flowers all over. Green trim. |
|  DELEVAN White china with border of yellow, pink and white pretty flowers. Gold trim. |
 DELPHINE White china with border of yellow, pink and green floral leaf. Silver trim. |
|  DESIREE White china with grey swirly, snow flake like lines. Silver trim. |
|  DIANA White china with black foliage and gold sprigs. Gold trim. |
 DOLORES White china with large pink and small blue flowers on green leaves. Gold trim. |
|  DORAL BLUE White china with blue and silver fancy border. Silver trim. |
 DORAL MAROON White china with gold filigree, a red and gold line around the border and inner plate. Gold trim. |
|  DUETTO White and gold china. Gold trim. |
|  EDINBURGH White china with brown stylized band and gold stylized outer border. Gold trim. |
 EMERTON White china with blue band of flowers and stems close to the border. Silver trim. |
|  EQUATOR L556 White china with a red ribbon look border. Gold trim. |
 EROICA White china with green and gold floral border. Gold trim. |
|  ESMERALDA White china with wide light blue band, grey leaves and raised white sprigs. |
|  ESPANA White china with olive, orange and beige striped border. Gold trim. |
 ESTRELLITA White china with gold, white and grey flowers and leaves. Gold trim. |
|  ETIENNE White china with a black band containing pink and white flowers. Silver trim. |
|  ETNA White china with a band of small blue and green flowers. Silver trim. |
 EUGENIA White china with green stylized border. Gold trim. |
|  EVENING MOOD White china with purple rainbow border with white and pink flowers. Silver trim. |
|  FAIRMONT White china with small delicate pink roses with filigree stylised border |
 FANCY FREE White china with orange/yellow flowers on green foliage. Progression Ware. |
|  FANTASY White china with delicate violet coloured roses on green foliage. Gold trim. |
|  FIESTA White china with blue, gold, purple and yellow floral arrangement. Silver trim. |
 FILIGREE White china with autumn/yellow coloured flowers on fawn foliage. Gold trim. |
|  FIRENZE White china with pink and yellow flowers. Gold trim. |
|  FIRST BLUSH White china with pink flowers, green leaves and white flowers with butterfly. Green trim. |
 FLORA VALLEY White china with gold and grey filigree with oval pendants and a rose. Gold trim. |
|  FLORENCE Ivory china with brown stylised border. Gold trim. |
|  FOREST BOUNTY White china with dark green border. Brown trim. IMPROMPTU SERIES 4058 |
 FRANCINE White china with gold and pink leaves. Gold trim. |
|  GALAXY White china with platinum lines. |
|  GAVOTT White china with brown pattern and joker hats centred. |
|  GLENDON White china with grey and silver fern border and centred. Silver trim. |
|  GLENWOOD White china with delicate pink roses in foliage on the border. Silver trim. |
 GLORIA White china with gold inner ring. Gold trim. |
|  GLORIA-RC White china with green stylized leaves. Gold trim. |
|  GOLD IVY White china with a border of gold ivy leaves. Gold trim. |
 GOLDMERE White china with red and gold fancy border. Gold trim. |
|  GOLDMOND White china with gold and black fancy border. Gold trim. |
|  GOLDTHORN White china with a gold rose on brown leaves and stylized border. Gold trim. |
 GOURMET GARDEN Off white china with different flowers. Casual Gourmet Series. New Stock. |
| GRANDEUR White china with gold, white and grey floral stylised border. Gold trim. |
 GRAYBURN White china with solid grey border. Silver trim. |
|  GRAYCREST White china with white flowers and grey leaves on border. Silver trim. No. 5824 |
|  GRAYMONT White china with a border of dots and crosses interspersed with 6 oval shapes each containing a rose. Gold trim. |
|  GREENCREST White china with green, grey border, flowers and leaves centred. Silver trim. |
|  GREENFIELD White china with pastel green line and band containing white embossed leaves. Silver trim. |
 GREENPOINT White china with a green stylized border. Silver trim. |
|  GRENADA White china with pink flowers and grey swirl border. Gold trim. |
|  GRENFELL White china with green and brown fancy border. Gold trim. |
 GUENEVERE White china with embossed border. Gold trim. |
|  HARWOOD White china with a sprig of autumn tone leaves. Silver trim. |
|  HELENA White china with multicoloured flowers and leaves. Gold trim. |
 HERITAGE White china with gold line and gold trim. Number 2982 |
|  HERMITAGE White bone china with an embossed and scalloped border. Silver trim. |
|  HIGHCLERE White china with a stylised gold pattern. Gold trim |
 HOLBROOK White china with a fine pink floral and leaf pattern. Silver trim. |
|  HUMORESQUE White china with gold, brown and grey stylized border. Gold trim. |
|  ICON White china with blue, gold, white, purple and grey fancy border. Gold trim. |
 IMPRESSION White china with blue and gold fancy border. Gold trim. |
|  INGRID White china with cream coloured cabbage roses. Gold trim. |
|  INSPIRATION White china with orange, yellow and gold flowers and scrolling. Gold trim. |
 IONA White china with a fine blue floral pattern. Gold trim. |
|  ISABELLA White china with gold, silver, white and grey stripes, 32 mm wide. Pattern No. 6531 |
|  ISADORA White china with yellow, pink, orange and white fancy floral border. Gold trim. |
 IVANHOE White china with pink flower, green leaf on stem and white inlay border. Gold trim. |
|  IVORY LACE White china with a stylised purple and white floral border. Silver trim. |
 JOANNE White china with delicate sprays of yellow, red and blue small flowers. Gold trim. |
|  JUSTINE White china with a grey/brown band containing a floral design. Gold trim. |
|  KAMBROOK White china with green stylized border. Silver trim. |
|  KARENA White china with pink flowers and buds. Gold trim. |
 KATRINA White china with green and gold stylized border. Gold trim. No. 2254 |
|  KEEGAN White and gold china - the border a gold pattern. |
|  KEENAN White china with white and brown stylized border with two gold lines. |
KILKEE Cream china with blue floral design. Blue Trim. KELTCRAFT |
|  KILLIAN White bone china with a mustard coloured marble effect and black band. Gold trim. |
 KINGSWOOD White china with red, white and cream hexagonal pattern. Gold trim. |
|  KISMET White china with black stylized border. |
|  KNIGHTSBRIDGE White china with a grey fawn stylized border. Gold trim. |
 KONTIKI White china with brown, black and orange bold pattern. Younger Image series. |
|  L`AMOR White china with crossed grey roses |
|  L447 White china with gold lines. Gold trim. |
 L454 White china with platinum line. Silver trim. |
| L559 White china, plain - with gold trim. |
|  L560 White china with silver ring. Silver trim. |
 LARKSPUR White china with blue and green paesley border. |
|  LAUREATE White china with wide light blue border. Silver trim. No. 5651 |
|  LAUREL White china with light brown leaves and buds. Gold trim. |
 LAVERNE White china with gold and grey wispy sprigs. Gold trim. |
|  LEANNA White china with pink roses, purple flowers and white leaves. Silver trim. |
|  LEGENDARY4139 White china with marble green edge, interspersed with scrolls. Gold trim. |
 LEONIE White china with a grey border and pink, black and gold rose centred. Gold trim. |
|  LINDSAY White china with pink roses and scalloped designed border. Silver trim. |
|  LORELLE White china with a leafy border. Gold trim. |
 LORENE White china with blue type climber with tinges of pink. |
|  LORENZO White china with a fancy purple and yellow border. Gold trim. |
|  LORRAINE White china with a purple, blue and white floral and leaf arrangement. Silver trim. |
 LOZINIA White china with yellow and white flowers and green and brown leaves. Progression Ware. |
|  LUCILLE White china with green - grey sprigs, platinum etched-like flowers. Two platinum lines as trim. |
|  LUISE White china with a mauve rose and fawn foliage. Gold trim. |
LUNCEFORD White china with blue, mauve and white floral border. Silver trim. |
|  MADERA White china with green leaves. Gold trim. |
|  MADIERA White china with blue, yellow and black fancy pattern. |
 MAJORCA MONZA Dark Brown with teal edge and teal and green flowers on plates |
|  MALAGA Off white china with dark blue rings and stylized floral motif. Primastone. |
|  MANSFIELD White china with brown, white and cream stylized border. Gold trim. |
 MAPLE LEAF White china with green and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
|  MAPLERING Ivory china with ring of brown maple leaves. Gold trim. |
|  MAPLEWOOD White china with scattered autumn coloured leaves. |
 MARBLE RED White china with stylized red marbled border. |
|  MARDI GRAS White china with stripy border sprinkled with black dots. Progression ware. |
|  MARELLA White china with blue flowers and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
 MARGARITA White china with large pink and red orchids and green leaves on a grey border. Silver trim. |
|  MARION White china with pink and grey flowers and leaves. Gold trim. |
 MARIPOSA White china with blue flowers. Silver trim. |
|  MARQUIS White china with brown embossed swirls. Silver trim. |
|  MARSHLANDS Off white china with birds or geese on pieces and stylized green border. Pieces are brand new. |
 MAXINE White china with blue and purple flowers. Silver trim. |
|  MAYFAIR White china with pink roses and green leaves and a stylized insert border. Silver trim. |
|  MELISSA White china with dainty floral border. Silver trim. |
 MELISSA2104 White china with orange, yellow and white flowers on a green grassy background. Gold trim. |
|  MELROSE White china with pale roses on grey foliage. |
| MELVILLE White china with crean flowers brown leaves gold trim |
 MEMORY White china with fancy border. Gold trim. |
|  MERIDA White china with pink roses. Gold trim. |
 MIGNON White china with grey leaves, stems and buds. Silver trim. |
|  MODA White china with band of blue and white flowers. Progression Ware. |
|  MONACO White china with white flowers and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
 MOON VALLEY White china with a green band containing fawn stylised pattern, brown trims inside. Expression Series. |
|  NAMIKI White china with green, grey and brown leaf. |
 NEWEL White china with brown stylized border. Progression Ware. |
|  NILE White china with large stylized border in grey and some black. Gold trim. |
|  NOCTURNE White china with stylized grey and black border. Progression Ware. |
 NORMA White china with a floral border. Gold trim. |
|  NORWOOD White china with small flowers and foliage in a stylized border. Silver trim. |
|  OASIS White china with brown and green stylized motif. Progression Ware. |
 ORLEANS White china with stylized pattern. Silver trim. No. 6583 |
|  P 561 White china with an ornate royal blue and gold stylized border. Gold trim. |
 P 567 White china with thick silver trim. |
|  P 570 White china with silver ring and fancy grey border |
|  PACIFIC Blue & white progressionware |
|  PAULINE White china with delicate pink roses on foliage. Silver trim |
 PETULA White china with an embossed and laced pink floral border. Silver trim. |
|  PINK ROSE White china with a pink rose and leaves centred. Gold trim. |
 POETRY White china with a bouquet of flowers. Silver trim. |
|  PRESCOTT White china with pink and blue flowers, a blue border and gold rim. Gold trim. |
| RADIANT White square china with scallopped edges. Gold trim. |
 RALEIGH White china with flowers and stylized foliage on green. Silver trim. |
|  RANDOLPH Ivory bone china with blue stylised band containing brackets of flowers. Silver trim. |
|  RANIER White china with raised embossed flowers and leaves. Silver trim. |
 RC 217 White china with grey/silver tree with black touches. Silver trim. |
|  RC210 White china with pink roses. Gold trim. |
|  REBECCA White china with gold, red and white as fancy border. Gold trim. |
|  RINGWOOD White china with a brown rectangular stylised border. |
|  ROBERTA White china with a band of multi coloured flowers and stylised border. Gold trim. |
 ROMAINE White china with delicate blue and mauve flowers. Silver trim. |
|  ROMANCE White china with pastel floral border. Silver trim. |
|  RONDEAU White china with band of blue and white flowers and twigs. Silver trim. |
 RONDO White china with delicate flowers on border. Silver trim. |
|  ROSALES White china with a pink and black rose in centre. Silver trim. |
|  ROSAY White china with grey and white roses on brown foliage. Silver trim. |
 ROSE ANNA White chian with pink roses with black and grey leaves. Gold trim. |
|  ROSE LANE White china with pink flowers on green leaves, fancy border. Silver trim. |
|  ROSE YARD White china with floral inlay. Gold trim. |
 ROSEBUD White china with pink roses in gold and green foliage. Gold trim. |
|  ROSEGAI coloured flowers silver trim |
|  ROSEGLEN White china with pink roses and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
 ROSEMARIE White china with a pink rose on grey leaves. Silver trim. |
|  ROSEMIST White china with pink roses and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
|  ROSEMONT White china, grey band and pink roses. Gold trim. |
 ROSEWIN White china with a gold rose and bud on brown stem/leaves. Gold trim. |
|  ROWENA White china with grey and white foliage. Silver trim. |
|  ROYAL BLUE White china with blue floral border. Silver trim. |
|  ROYAL ROMAN White china with blue and pink small flowers. Silver trim. |
|  RUSKIN White china with a gold/green star centre piece and fancy border. |
 SANTIAGO White china with floral design and stylized border. |
|  SAVANNAH White china with delicate pink/blue flowers and green leaves. Silver trim. |
|  SEA MIST Green stoneware with a brown band. |
 SERENA White china with a fancy brown and yellow pattern with purple flowers. Gold trim. |
|  SEVILLE White china with stylized border. Gold trim. |
|  SEZANNE White china with green and brown leaves. Silver trim. |
 SHARON`S DREAM White china with purple flowers and grey border. Silver trim. |
|  SHASTRA White china with orange, olive green and brown stylised border. Gold trim. |
|  SONIA White china with an arch and rose border. Gold trim. |
 SONNET White china with a spray of blue flowers. Silver trim. |
|  SONOMA White china with diamond imprint. Silver trim. |
|  SOVEREIGN White china with gold emblem set in white band as border. Gold trim. |
 SPECTRUM White china with platinum lines. Silver trim. |
|  SPRING MEADOW White china with a green and blue floral border. Gold trim. |
|  STARDUST White china with a blue flower motif. |
 STRATFORD White china with a pink band bearing raised white foliage. Gold trim. |
|  SWEET LEILANI White china with a blue, grey and white floral border. Silver trim. |
Sylvan blue flowers silver trims |
|  TAHOE White and grey china with white embossed flowers. Silver trim. |
|  TAMALA White china with orange toned geometric design around border. |
 TANGIERS White china with black trimmed shapes on a stylised brown border. |
|  TARKINGTON White china with pink flowers, leaves and grey border. Silver trim. |
|  TIFFANY White china with grey and fawn stylised motif. |
|  TRELLIS White china with black and white pattern. Silver trim. |
TROPICA Grapes plums and lemon Progression |
|  TROY Off white bone china with a thick gold trim and gold line within. |
| TWILIGHT MELODY Blue and white china with butterfly-like shapes. IMPROMPTU SERIES. |
 URSULA White china with a grey "arrow" border. Silver trim. |
|  VALENCIA White china with blue and green leaves. Gold trim. |
|  VANESSA White china with blue-grey border, purple flowers and leaves centred. Gold trim. |
Vera Yellow and Green Triangular Pattern with Yellow Cup |
|  VIENNA White china with a deep blue and gold stylized border. Gold trim. |
 VINTAGE White china with blue/green and grey leaves. Silver trim. |
|  VIRTUE White china with silver, blue and white rose. |
| WARWICK White china with gold and grey flowers. Gold trim. |
 WELLESLEY White china with small delicate pink roses with filigree stylised border |
|  WESTBURY White china with stylised brown border. Gold trim. |
|  WESTWOOD White china with brown leaves and buds as border. Gold trim. |
 WHEATLEY White china with yellow flowers and brown squares containing yellow flowers. |
|  WHITE KNIGHT White china with grey and white fence pattern. Silver trim. |
|  WHITEBROOK White china with raised white flowers and grey swirls. Silver trim. |
 WILDWOOD Cream stoneware with orangy flowers and brown leaves. |
|  WINDRIFT White china with sprigs of fern and white raised flowers. Gold trim. |
|  WINDSOR White china with an epergne containing roses and flowers with a delicate pink rose garland border. Gold trim. |
|  WOODLAND White china with autumn tone leaves, blue and red berries. Gold trim. |
|  WOODROW White china with autumn tone leaves, blue and red berries. Silver trim. |
|  ZANZIBAR White china with stylised border. |
| |